Predicament bondage sub must choose between pain and pleasure (i.e. nipple clamps tied to a fixed point that she must pull in order to position herself for a vibrator to stimulate her clit)
30 Days of Submission Day 12 Body writing
Body writing Dom and sub take turns writing on sub’s body. Whoever finds the most humiliating phrase wins.
30 Days of Submission Day 13 Forced orgasms
Forced orgasms roll a dice to see how long it goes on (multiply the roll by 10)
30 Days of Submission Day 14 Limit stretching
Limit stretching Find something that’s not a hard no for the sub, but one they’re very tentative about and explore the edges of that, see if they can push through and find pleasure in what they once feared.
30 Days of Submission Day 15 Reddit story telling
Reddit story telling (sub goes on a reddit forum and tells a story of one of your sessions from their point of view)
30 Days of Submission Day 16 Tickle torture
Tickle torture Tied up and tickled relentlessly
30 Days of Submission Day 17 Spanking Roulette
Spanking Roulette Cane/flogger/whip/spoon/etc – find six instruments of spanking/whipping. Roll a die once. Whichever number corresponds with the instrument is the one you use. Roll it again for number of lashes.
30 Days of Submission Day 18 Tit torture
Tit torture dealer’s choice as to method
30 Days of Submission Day 19 Craft day
Craft day build a sex toy out of materials you have around the house (cut up a belt to make a cat o’ nine tails, create a bondage board out of spare plywood, etc. – do this together)
30 Days of Submission Day 20 Twenty day whipping threshold
Twenty day whipping threshold 20 minutes or 20 very hard lashes. Dealer’s choice.