We have collected ideas from various visitors over the past few weeks, and compiled a list of the items for us to do. We have created posts for each item in the list and as we complete them we will update the post. We have aptly named this the Sexual Bucket List… enjoy
Enjoy and don’t be afraid to give us more ideas.
- SBL : Commando (Done)
- SBL : If the Peg Fits (Done)
- SBL : Ants in the Pants
- SBL : Naughty Chair
- SBL : Plugged Up
- SBL : No Hole Left Behind
- SBL : Cowgirl up
- SBL : Covering More Ground (Done)
- SBL : Riding Dirty (Done)
- SBL : Endurance
- SBL : Back Door Slut
- SBL : Nudist Colony
- SBL : The True Submissive (Him)
- SBL : Thanksgiving Turkey (Done)
- SBS : Sexual Bucket List Intro