If you are considering entering into one, it is important to make sure that you are doing so with a full understanding of what it entails.

Female-led relationships can be incredibly rewarding for both partners involved.
It relieves men from the pressure of various responsibilities, decision-making processes and other stressful situations that arise in the day to day life of the couple involved.
If you are considering entering into one, it is important to make sure that you are doing so with a full understanding of what it entails. These ten features should give you a better idea of what you can expect from a female-led relationship.
1.She is sexually dominant.
In a female-led relationship, the woman is usually the one who is in control of the sexual encounters. This means that she decides when and how often sex will happen.
She’ll focus on using positions of her choice, living out her fantasies. For some men, this can be a major turn-on, as they get to surrender control and let their partner take charge.
2. She has the last word in all disagreements.
In a female-led relationship, it is not uncommon for the woman to have the final say in all disagreements.
This means that even if her partner disagrees with her, he will ultimately do as she says. While some men may find this to be frustrating, others see it as a way to let their partner take charge and avoid conflict.
3. She knows what she wants.
Women are confident, self-assured creatures who know what they want and communicate it clearly to their partners. These are the only types who can enter into a female-led relationship.
If a man fails to comply with the woman’s wishes, he’ll definitely get her wrath.
4. There may be less traditional gender roles when it comes to child caring in a female-led relationship.
In traditional marriage or relationships, all child-caring responsibilities fall upon women’s shoulders.
But in a relationship led by female men may have to take most of the in-home responsibilities. Feeding, bathing, changing diapers, the list goes on.
5. She will set high life standards.
A woman who leads in her relationship is likely to have high standards for herself and for her partner.
Meaning, that she expects the best from herself and from those she loves, so don’t be surprised if she pushes you to be your best self, too.
It can be anything from what kind of house you live in, its interior, wearing branded clothes, eating at high-end restaurants, etc.
6. She takes responsibility for her own happiness.
A woman who leads in her relationship understands that her happiness is ultimately up to her.
She doesn’t expect her partner to make her happy — instead, she takes responsibility for her own happiness and creates it in her life. This can be a very empowering way to live, and it can inspire you to do the same.
7. She sets the curfew.
In a female-led relationship, the woman typically sets the curfew. This means that she decides when you need to be home, when you can see your friends, and how late you can stay outside.
Basically, she has the final say in your comings and goings. The man may have input into decisions, but ultimately it is up to her to decide.
8. She decides what you will wear.
The woman often makes the clothing selections in a partnership where she is in charge. In other words, she chooses your outfits (all of them) – what colors will suit you, which store to buy from, how often to buy, everything.
Anyhow, most men don’t like shopping, so they should feel relieved they won’t have to spend hours in the mall.
9. She controls your access to electronic devices.
Your access to electronic gadgets is often restricted in a relationship where the woman is in charge. This implies that she sets the parameters for when you can use your phone, computer, or other electronics.
Though he might have some input, she ultimately has the last say. She can accept your suggestions if she thinks it’s right, otherwise, she won’t.
10. She is the primary breadwinner.
In a female-led relationship, the woman is typically the primary breadwinner. This means that she brings in the majority of the income for the household.
The man may contribute to the household finances, but ultimately it is up to the woman to make sure that the bills are paid and the home is maintained.
11. She decides when and if to have children.
In a female-led relationship, it is the woman who decides when and if to have children.
The man may have some input in this decision but ultimately she makes all reproductive choices for starting a family without any exception or condition set by him before they were married.
12. She has her own hobbies and interests.
In a female-led relationship, the woman typically has her own hobbies and interests.
The man is not always included in these activities and may not even be aware of them. The woman may also choose to pursue her hobbies and interests without the man present.
13. There’ll be a proper understanding between both parties.
It’s crucial to strike a balance even though limits in a female-led relationship can sometimes be quite clear.
It’s critical that you both understand your respective positions with regard to the man’s balance because he still has a crucial function to perform in the relationship.
In any relationship, communication is essential. It’s crucial for the woman to support her guy in being independent and accepting responsibility for his role in the union.
This does not require you to pester him nonstop like he is your child’s mother. It concerns mutual respect.